2016 Kentucky Derby Future Odds (02/25/16)

Thanks to our good friends at the Wynn Las Vegas for providing these Kentucky Derby Future Odds.

ADVENTIST 175/1 150/1 DENMAN'S CALL 150/1 100/1
AIR FORCE BLUE 175/1 125/1 DESERVED 75/1 150/1
AIROFORCE 175/1 45/1 DESTIN 85/1 60/1
AIR VICE MARSHAL 200/1 200/1 DIRECT MESSAGE 150/1 250/1
AIRMAN'S CREED 225/1 225/1 DISCREETNESS 200/1 150/1
ALLABOUTACTION 200/1 250/1 DOCTOR MOUNTY 150/1 150/1
AMERICAN DUBAI 200/1 60/1 DON'T BE SO SALTY 250/1 250/1
AMIS GIZMO 150/1 65/1 DREFONG 200/1 75/1
ANNALS OF TIME 250/1 250/1 DRESSED IN HERMES 200/1 150/1
AVAST MATEY 225/1 300/1 ECONOMIC MODEL 100/1 75/1
AWESOME BANNER 150/1 75/1 EPIC JOURNEY 250/1 200/1
AWESOME GENT 250/1 250/1 ETERNAL BIRD 250/1 175/1
AWESOME SLATE 275/1 250/1 EXAGGERATOR 40/1 20/1
AWESOME SLEW 175/1 150/1 FELLOWSHIP 150/1 150/1
AWESOME SPEED 200/1 100/1 FLEXIBILITY 125/1 85/1
AZAR 150/1 200/1 FOREVAMO 150/1 50/1
BAR NONE 175/1 200/1 FOUND MONEY 250/1 175/1
BATTERY 150/1 175/1 FRANK CONVERSATION 275/1 85/1
BATTLE TAP 225/1 250/1 FRENCH GETAWAY 200/1 125/1
BIG RED ROCKET 300/1 300/1 GENERAL MACARTHUR 200/1 200/1
BIRD OF TREY 175/1 250/1 GET JETS 175/1 175/1
BLANKET OF ICE 250/1 250/1 GETTYSBURG 225/1 200/1
BLUE CREEK 225/1 100/1 GIFT BOX 150/1 40/1
BOALT HALL 200/1 200/1 GIMLET 225/1 225/1
BRODY'S CAUSE 150/1 22/1 GOATS TOWN 300/1 300/1
CADERYN** 250/1 250/1 GORDY FLORIDA 150/1 300/1
CANDY MY BOY 250/1 125/1 GOVERNOR MALIBU 275/1 175/1
CATAPULT 200/1 200/1 GRAY SKY 250/1 200/1
CHERRY WINE 200/1 40/1 GUN RUNNER 125/1 20/1
COCKED AND LOADED 275/1 75/1 GWYNN OAK PARK 250/1 250/1
COLLECTED 300/1 75/1 HAMMERS VISION 150/1 250/1
COMICAS 250/1 225/1 HARLAN PUNCH 150/1 100/1
CONQUEST BIG E 125/1 60/1 HIT IT A BOMB 125/1 100/1
CONQUEST WINDYCITY 125/1 100/1 I WILL SCORE 150/1 85/1
CREATOR 125/1 300/1 IMPERIOUS ONE 200/1 200/1
CRESCENT DRIVE 250/1 175/1 IN EQUALITY 150/1 250/1
CUPID 85/1 85/1 IRISH 225/1 225/1
CURLIN RULES** 250/1 250/1 ISOTHERM 225/1 225/1
CUTACORNER 250/1 300/1 IT'S ALL RELEVANT 150/1 250/1
DANZING CANDY 250/1 40/1 JOHN Q. PUBLIC 275/1 275/1
DAZZLING GEM 125/1 175/1 JUSTIN SQUARED 100/1 125/1
KASSEOPIA 125/1 100/1 SEA WIZARD 200/1 200/1
KELLY TOUGH 275/1 100/1 SEYMOURDINI 150/1 50/1
KISMET'S HEELS 225/1 225/1 SHAGAF 125/1 25/1
LANI 150/1 65/1 SHAKHIMAT 200/1 175/1
LAOBAN 150/1 225/1 SHARP AZTECA 250/1 250/1
LET'S MEET IN RIO 250/1 250/1 SHEIKH OF SHEIKHS 125/1 175/1
LIAM THE CHARMER** 250/1 250/1 SIDING SPRING 150/1 250/1
LUNA DE LOCO 225/1 250/1 SMOKEY IMAGE 250/1 40/1
MAC DADDY MAC 250/1 100/1 SOUTHSIDE WARRIOR 175/1 175/1
MAJESTO 175/1 175/1 STAR HILL 200/1 200/1
MALIBU SUNSET 200/1 200/1 STRADIVARI 250/1 150/1
MATT KING COAL 175/1 75/1 SUDDEN SURPRISE 100/1 225/1
MEMORIES OF WINTER 275/1 225/1 SUNNY RIDGE 250/1 60/1
MO FOR THE MONEY 250/1 250/1 SWAGGER JAGGER 250/1 250/1
MOONLIGHT DRIVE 125/1 125/1 SWIPE 40/1 20/1
MO POWER 175/1 125/1 SYNCHRONY 150/1 150/1
MO TOM 150/1 25/1 TALE OF S'AVALL 100/1 125/1
MOHAYMEN 100/1 8/1 TEN BLESSINGS 175/1 125/1
MOR SPIRIT 200/1 9/1 THAT MAKES SENSE 250/1 200/1
MORNING FIRE 300/1 250/1 TIZNOBLE 250/1 250/1
MR. COKER 150/1 200/1 TOEWS ON ICE 175/1 100/1
MT VEEDER 100/1 125/1 TOM'S READY 275/1 225/1
NEVER GONE SOUTH 125/1 300/1 TRIPLE CREEK 300/1 300/1
NYQUIST 35/1 12/1 TROJAN NATION 225/1 300/1
OSSETRA 275/1 275/1 TURULU 175/1 125/1
OUTWORK 200/1 150/1 TUSK 150/1 150/1
PATH OF DAVID 200/1 125/1 UNBRIDLED OUTLAW 100/1 85/1
PATTON PROUD 250/1 200/1 UNCLE LINO 150/1 75/1
PINSTRIPE 250/1 250/1 UNCLE WALTER 175/1 150/1
PROSPECTUS 200/1 200/1 UNDENIABLE U** 200/1 200/1
RAFTING 150/1 100/1 UNEXPLAINED 175/1 275/1
RALIS 65/1 125/1 UNIFIED** 200/1 200/1
RATED R SUPERSTAR 125/1 175/1 URLACHER 150/1 150/1
RALLY CRY 250/1 40/1 VORTICITY 175/1 85/1
REALM 200/1 150/1 VULCAN'S FORGE 225/1 100/1
RICHIE THE BULL 300/1 250/1 WAR STROLL 250/1 300/1
RIDDLER 200/1 200/1 WHITMORE 175/1 40/1
RIKER 100/1 150/1 WHO'S OUT 150/1 150/1
SAIL AHOY 125/1 60/1 ZICONIC 150/1 175/1
SARATOGA MISCHIEF 250/1 250/1 Z ROYAL 125/1 300/1
SEA VOW 300/1 300/1 ZULU 85/1 25/1


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